Monday, 19 November 2012

Task 3

1. we had the image of the shoe and selected an area for distortion by using the pen tool.

2. we right clicked and Selected the our Selection outline, the went into the select tool bar and "Save selection".

3. we changed the Hue and Saturation to change the colour of the Selected part of the shoe.

4. After that we Merged the existing layer and crated a new layer for the background.

5. changed the colour of the background.

6. we Held alt and dragged a Duplicated version of the original image 3 times.

7. we used the Hue and Saturation to Distort the colours of each of the images.

8. after we Re merged the Image again for the Final Piece.

I like how successful the final image has turned out. And even though the original image is the bottom left I much prefer the bottom right image. I prefer this image because the colours are Bright and noticeable and it's colours has a near trance to it.

Alexander Rodchenko

Alexander Rodchenko was a Russian Constructivist Artist whom was also one of the founders of the art movement back in the early twentieth century. He was originally a graphic designer that later transformed into photography in which he was very successful with in his life.

Rodchenko Was born in St Petersburg but later moved to Kazan because of his fathers death in 1909. He later married in 1914 to Varvara Stepanova whom he met before in the "Kazan school of Art"

I came across this image in which influenced me to do the Constructivism work that is below the influence image:

My Final Constructivism Work  

Before I made it look better:

After I made it look better:

I love how I Made more of a communist effect with the second edit e.g. The Hammer and sickle, Stalin, the fist and The Communist star, also the Russian caption "Мы победим всех, кто стоит на нашем пути" translated into English says "We will conquer all who stand in our way" .

Monday, 12 November 2012

Colour and Grey Scale Watch

Watch 1 Drawing coloured:

I chose these colours because I saw How Well Blue and Orange Go together. My original idea involved the part within the glass ( the Aqua Green Bit ) to be a dark Orange. But as the production came along I discovered The Aqua Green and thought it would suit it more.
Watch 2 Drawing Grey Scale shaded:

 I feel the shading on My image Works Very well For what it's based on. as you can see in the Second image below this There is a huge improvement.

Drawn Example 1
Drawn Example 2
Drawn Example 3

Monday, 5 November 2012

Line Drawings

The strip:
"Piled Higher and Deeper" (PhD) is the comic strip about life (or the lack thereof) in academia.

"Piled Higher and Deeper" the comic strip has appeared in The Stanford Daily, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University and Caltech newspapers among over 50 others.
The strip has appeared or been featured in the journal Nature, Science Magazine the Chronicle of Higher Education, IEEE Potentials magazine, Math Horizons magazine, Stanford Magazine and Canada's The Peer Review magazine among others, and has been linked to by USA Today's, The NY Times and The Washington Post's websites. 


In this comic strip the lines are consistent. The thickness of lines barely changes in each strip e.g. The Characters, Buildings, The tree, the grass and the food. The facial expression in the characters Can be Changed Dramatically by only changing a few lines in the strip, e.g. Strip 4 and 5 ' Male character's Facial Expression.