Monday 5 November 2012

Line Drawings

The strip:
"Piled Higher and Deeper" (PhD) is the comic strip about life (or the lack thereof) in academia.

"Piled Higher and Deeper" the comic strip has appeared in The Stanford Daily, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University and Caltech newspapers among over 50 others.
The strip has appeared or been featured in the journal Nature, Science Magazine the Chronicle of Higher Education, IEEE Potentials magazine, Math Horizons magazine, Stanford Magazine and Canada's The Peer Review magazine among others, and has been linked to by USA Today's, The NY Times and The Washington Post's websites. 


In this comic strip the lines are consistent. The thickness of lines barely changes in each strip e.g. The Characters, Buildings, The tree, the grass and the food. The facial expression in the characters Can be Changed Dramatically by only changing a few lines in the strip, e.g. Strip 4 and 5 ' Male character's Facial Expression. 

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